Usage example
Presentation template for PowerPoint (PPTX version Office 2007 and newer) - Watercolor stripe on paper background
- unique graphical background with 4 slide layouts: title, standard, transition, end slide
- pre-defined colors set inside the template (to give enough contrast and color harmony)
- aquarelle stripe for titles highlighting
- examples of text, chart, SmartArt content
Organic aquarelle style presentation template for PowerPoint - Watercolor blue stripe on plain paper background
Package content:
- Title slide layout - with central blue watercolor stripe
- Standard content slide layout, watercolor slide title, one placeholder for text, chart, table, picture or SmartArt diagram
- Comparison layout - Two Column with watercolor headlines
- Transition slide layout - Watercolor section title stripe
- End slide layout - Last Closing Slide with grey watercolor stripe
- Set of watercolor brush stripe element in various colors: dark blue, light blue, violet, dark yellow, green, grey, turquoise
- Examples of using watercolor stripes for bottom line or headers highlighting for charts, texts, SmartArt diagrams.
Format: PPTX - Microsoft Office PowerPoint (Office 2007, 2010, 2013...)
Template customization on request e.g.
- adjusting style to your corporate identity
- more slide layouts, chart templates, pre-defined slide deck
- content face-lifting or visualization from scratch (text to diarams)
- other formats e.g. if you need older PPT format
- Design: Izabela Zvirinska, Contact via
Slides included in this PowerPoint Presentation:
- Watercolor Presentation Title Slide Template PowerPoint Stripe
- Standard Layout Slide Blue Stripe Watercolor Template PowerPoint
- Comparison Slide Layout Watercolor Stripes Template PowerPoint
- Transition Slide Layout Section Watercolor stripe Template PPTX
- End Slide Layout Water0color Brush Haddrawn Template PPTX
- Summary Slide Line Water Color Brush Aquarelle PowerPoint
- Watercolor slide comparison 2 Columns headers stripes pptx
- Slide chart Watercolor summary stripe bottom line pptx
- Water color title stripe slide SmartArt pptx template
How to Edit
How to edit text & colors

How to expand / shorten diagram

How to Replace Icons in infoDiagram PPT

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