The business offer template for writing training program proposal using PowerPoint.
Using these predesigned diagrams and layouts will help you to create a professional proposal document for larger training programs as well as for single-topic educational courses or coaching offers.
We added to this sample document the commonly used sales presentation sections:
- 34 slide layouts with places for key corporate training proposal topics, for example, a cover letter, client's needs analysis, value proposition, training program outline, a timeline of conducting a training program, training budget, key success factors, and HR benefits.
- 32 editable symbols representing proposal areas such as personal development training by man and projector wall screen icon, needs analysis, training budget, flipchart, team, partnership...
- There are also general presentation structure slides that every bigger proposal should contain - a place for a brief executive summary, a table of content, and finish with a call to action message.
You can reuse this offer for presenting coaching services, soft skills, or technical training. The content is pretty universal, you are free to update the sample content with your own training descriptions, and add your pictures and charts.
This PPT template can be saved as a PDF document, so you can send it as a formal attachment for complex tenders or printout material.
This is a general document that can be adapted to various teaching and HR development programs. Whether you are a trainer offering your services for a corporation or a smaller personal development course, use the parts you need and remove the rest. Thanks to MS Office PowerPoint format, the content charts, and other graphics can be easily copied to other office documents e.g. inside your Word text offer or Excel sheets. The slide pictures can be saved as an image and uploaded to a webpage with the training description.
Content of Training Proposal Presentation:
MS PowerPoint Template for presenting a training services proposal with details.
- Content: Anna Wojciechowska, infoDiagram contributor, business coach, and trainer Contact via
- Design: I&P; Zvirinsky, infoDiagram designers, Contact via
How to Edit
How to edit text & colors

How to expand / shorten diagram

How to Replace Icons in infoDiagram PPT