Do you want to introduce or are you presenting data analysis, big data, or predictive analytics? You can use the Data Science PowerPoint Template to impress your audience by adding consistent visualizations. Use our data science templates and customizable flowchart. Adapt them to your needs.

For estimation analysis, you can use the PowerPoint template with infographics diagrams, and icons.

  • symbols of data procedure stages, types, and actions e.g. Data Quality, Data Security, Data Visualization, Statistical Analysis Business Knowledge Discovery, Patterns, Segmentation, Transformation, Modeling, and Organization. Common Data Types symbols such as Photo, Image, Video, Movie, Audio, Sound, Music, Voice, Text, Message, Comment, Location, Network, and Social Network.
  • editable example flowcharts of Data Science definition and data procedure steps
  • editable style, size, font, and colors

Slide set content details:

  • Definition template of what is data science. Venn diagram with Data Science, Data Analysis, and Data Mining graphics.
  • Alternative Data Science definition graphics. Three Data Science components: data, business, and statistics.
  • Data Science process. From gathering and analyzing data to data visualization and business application.
  • Statistics infographics. Quality of data sources.
  • Data-related concepts: database, data search, data science, data quality.
  • Symbols of data security, data protection, data visualization, and quantitative analysis of data.
  • Big Data, data processing, and business graphics.
  • Data Science graphics. Symbols of knowledge discovery, algorithm, and quantitative analysis.
  • Estimation analytics: trend forecasting and predictions, data mining, and modeling.
  • Data transformation and segmentation.
  • Data structure: structured and unstructured data.
  • Media Data content: photo, video, and audio graphics.
  • Symbols of text, message, and location data.
  • Data networks and social networks graphics.
  • Data Science icon index: database, generic data, data search, data science, data quality, data security, data protection, data visualization, quantitative analysis, data processing, business, knowledge discovery, pattern discovery, algorithm, statistical analysis, trend forecasting, prediction, data mining, model, modeling, segmentation, segmented data, data transformation, unstructured data, structured, multiple sources, photo, image, video, movie, audio, sound, music, text, message, comment, location, network, social network.

All icons in elegant outline style. Icons are provided in several versions:

  • for light background,
  • for dark background,
  • in natural colors,
  • as a standalone symbols,
  • as a symbol in the circle shape.

Fully editable in PowerPoint set of vector shapes fully editable by using built-in PowerPoint tools, including

  • changing color of the icon filling and its outline
  • adding shadows
  • changing shape and size, rotating, flipping the object
  • putting shapes behind or on top of text

Further Resources about Data Science


  • infoDiagram's contributing designer
  • Contact: here

Data Science Analytics Outline Graphics Template (PPT Icons)