Flat Food and Agriculture Icons for infographics and presentations of Animal Husbandry, Fishery, Crop Cultivation, Forestry and Wood Industry - over 100 complex multicolor PPT vector symbols
Further Resources about Agriculture:
Agriculture: Wikipedia
Global Food Exchange: Global Food Exchange
U.S. Food and Drug Administration: FDA
Food Standards Agency: FSA
Animal husbandry, Fishery:
Fruits, Vegetables and Crop Agriculture:
Forestry, Wood Industry
Slide set content details:
PowerPoint Icon Set #1: Food and Agriculture icons - Animal husbandry,
Package contains icons and graphics related to agriculture business: animal husbandry and fishery. Use it to show agriculture definition, importance of agriculture or types of farming. Information about agricultural sector or modern agriculture may be enriched with icons of animals, farm, ranch, agricultural technology, inputs or resources. Use animal and fishery package to any presentation related to agriculture, for example: definition of aquaculture, sustainable agriculture, agricultural marketing, animal rights and many others.
Package content:
- Types of livestock with icons of cow, pig, chicken and sheep.
- Types of aquatic organism and icons of fish, shrimp, crab, shellfish, seaweed, octopus.
- Animal husbandry and fishery facilities and tools. Clip arts of livestock farm, tank truck, aquaculture, fishing boat.
- Resources and methods of animal husbandry and fishery. Slide contains icons of fodder, medication, machinery, genetically modified organism (GMO).
- Agriculture inputs: money, worker, supply, demand.
- Three slides with products of animal husbandry and fishery. Graphics: meat, eggs, milk, fish meat, leather, wool, manure, pearl.
- Three infographics presenting statistics of livestock and seafood.
- Global quantitative food losses and waste per year slide.
- Slide presenting animal husbandry system.
PowerPoint Icon Set #2: Fruits Vegetables Crop Agriculture icons
Many useful icons and graphics of fruits, vegetables crop agriculture. Package contains food pictures, plant graphics and icons related to agriculture industry. Use it in any presentation about food, crop production or agricultural research. Graphics for agriculture industry as well as for food agencies, restaurants or environmental organizations.
Package content:
- Four slides presenting different types of raised crops. Icons of: wheat, oat, rice, corn, fruits, vegetables, potato, sugar beet, sugarcane, legumes, cotton, mushrooms, spices.
- Resources of crops cultivation with graphics: seeds, land, water, sun.
- Fertilizers: manure, compost, chemical, mineral.
- Methods of crop cultivation: chemical pesticides, genetically modified organism (GMO), crop rotation.
- Facilities and tools of fruit, vegetables crop agriculture: plantation, tractor, machinery.
- Agriculture inputs: money, worker, supply, demand.
- Three slides with products icons of crop agriculture. Contain: flour, pastry, fibers, organic farming, vegetable oil, biofuel, sugar, ornamental, beer, wine, juice, clothes.
- Three infographics with crops and food statistics.
- Top agricultural products chart and statistics of global quantitative food losses and waste.
- Graphic presenting crop cultivation process with icons of inputs and outputs.
PowerPoint Icon Set #3: Agriculture icons - Forestry, Wood Industry
Use Forestry and wood industry icons for presentation or infographics related to this agricultural sector. Graphics may be useful to present agricultural companies, forestry tools, types of wood industries as well as to show problems of deforestation or illegal logging.
Package content:
- Icons showing types of trees and forests. Graphics of: softwoods, hardwoods, mixed forest, undisturbed forest, plantation, semi natural forest.
- Common species contain: oak, elm, birch, ash, basket willow, bamboo.
- Resources and tools in forestry and wood industry. Icons of: seeding, harvester, money, machinery.
- Agriculture inputs: worker, supply, demand.
- Four slides with icons of products from forestry and wood industry: logs, lumber, paper, energy forestry, resin, furniture, fuel wood, charcoal, fruits, mushrooms, wildlife, pelts, honey, ornamental.
- Three infographics with forestry statistics.
- Statistics about European forests - chart.
- Graphic presenting forestry process with icons of inputs and outputs.
All icons in simple flat style, suitable for Metro UI style graphics.. Icons provided in 5 versions:
- for light background,
- for dark background,
- in natural colors,
- as a standalone symbols,
- as a symbol in the circle shape.
Fully editable in PowerPoint set of vector shapes fully editable by using built-in PowerPoint tools, including
- changing color of the icon filling and its outline
- adding shadows
- changing shape and size, rotating, flipping the object
- putting shapes behind or on top of text
See editing demonstration in our HowTo Videos.
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- Contact: here
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