Editable graphical elements for PowerPoint - over 250 handwritten symbols, figures and shapes with scribble filling

  • Pictogram of people's roles and activities
  • Symbols of activities and signs: agenda, quotation, tablets, mobiles
  • Charts and diagram symbols
  • Speech balloons
  • Basic diagram shapes: arrows, rectangles
  • Usage examples: organizational chart and flow diagram
  • New add-ons: houses and buildings, beverage goods
  • fully editable colors & size in PowerPoint (vector format)

Scribble symbols bundle (Figures + Charts + Signs)

Handwritten-like icons and cliparts for enhancing PowerPoint presentations

  • to illustrate slides by adding pictograms of different role figures
  • to create schemas, diagrams and process views

Fully editable in PowerPoint set of vector shapes fully editable by using built-in PowerPoint tools, including

  • changing contour color of the icon
  • changing color of the scribble filling
  • adding shadows
  • changing shape and size, rotating, flipping the object
  • putting shapes behind or on top of text

See editing demonstration in our HowTo Videos.

Package content:

  • Symbols - presentations : flipchart (agenda), summary (conclusion), note cards
  • Symbols - communication : tablet, laptop computer, mobile phone, talk bubble (chat), pen (writing), brush (painting), camera (pictures)
  • Symbols - professional activities : magnifying glass (searching), book (reading), pin (it’s set, approved), gears (producing), wrench (repairing), test tube (researching, testing), car, auto
  • Symbols - private activities : heart (caring, emotions), present box (surprise, appeciation), coffee or tea cup (coffee break time), mug
  • Symbols - round signs : happy (smile), sad (grim), question mark, exclamation mark, OK sign, not OK sign
  • Symbols - basic signs : plus, minus, quotation mark, stars, warning sign
  • Symbols - development and others : light bulb (idea), bull eye (target, goal), certification sign (award), growing trends, falling trend, hills, factory, house
  • Charts and Diagrams symbols: pie chart symbols (thirds, quarters, half), bar chart and column chart symbols, increasing and decreasing trend chart symbols, circular progress indicators, venn diagrams, block process indicators
  • People - different role characters : presenting with a flipchart (e.g. marketing), writing with a pen, with a pin, with a camera (e.g. photographer, documentation) with a paintbrush (e.g. art, creation), with a test tube (e.g. research),
  • People - business role characters : man with a computer (e.g. IT), with a cell phone (e.g. cold calling, prospecting, a contact), with a tie (e.g. a manager), man with a suitecase (e.g. a salesman, bussinessman, representative), with an award (or certificate, guarantee), with a paragraph sign (e.g. legal, law),
  • People - professional activities : searching (with magnifying glass), talking (with bubble), reading (with book), cooperating (handshake), producing (with gears), repairing (with wrench),
  • People - private activities : with a heart (loving, with emotions), with a present box (giving, appeciation), with a coffee or tea cup (coffee break time), with a musical note (playing or producing music), with stars above head (dizzy, dreaming), with a cup,
  • People - other activities : climbing hill (achieving goals), being at work (factory worker, daytime job), being at home (household),
  • Basic Shapes for block diagrams: handwritten arrows, rectangles and ovals with text and scribble filling
  • Speech Balloons
  • Usage Examples : organizational structure chart (board, sales, marketing, legal department) and a flow diagram
  • New add-ons (2016) :
    • Buidings: city line, town, village, countryside, factory, industrial building
    • Beverage goods: bottle, glass, wine, whiskey barrel
    • Additional people figures (man with a tie, man, reporting, woman, elder woman, female, female manager),
    • Additional people figures: Family (parents, kids)
    • Happy/Sad Faces, Smileys, Mood expression
    • Comparisons: Positive/Negative, Day/Night, Thumbs up/Thumbs down, Measure Ruler
    • Communication by Mail, Phone oldie
    • Values, Innovation, Creativity, Flexibility
    • Justice, Law, Protection, Saving, Insurance
    • Global world, Direction, Strategy, Development
    • Retail, Shopping, Money, Payment, Coins, Credit card
* Prezentio.com designers 
* Contact: [ here ](/contact/)

Scribble Symbols BUNDLE: people, charts, symbols, balloons (PPT icons & clipart)